Friday, June 15, 2012

My memory completely stinks.....I can't remember things from one moment to the next and some days that really, really scares me.  It quite probably has something to do with my meds and it's just something that I have to live with....But, it still stinks.

It is also very, very, very hot in here.  The damn air conditioner doesn't work worth anything and our landlord won't replace it, even though I've got a letter from my pulmonologist saying that sitting in hot air is not good for my lungs, especially since I have COPD.  I don't know if there is anything that we can do about it or not...*sigh*  I know that R is afraid to rattle her cage too much for fear that she'll evict us, but he doesn't have to sit here all day.

Friday, October 14, 2011

About and in the Future

I probably won't post that much here.  This is going to be my gripe space.  The place where I come to vent when I need to.  I don't always have a place to go when I need to, so this is going to have to do.  If you're going to follow this, get used to posts that are few and far between.  And get used to rambling rants that probably don't make a whole lot of sense, because my mind tends to meander around; especially when I'm upset or irritated.

Anyway, I just thought I would give everybody fair warning for future times.  There may be good times, there may be irritating times, there may be times when you don't understand what the heck I'm talking about, but there will probably be times.
